Many believe the use of illegal drugs by teenagers today is worse than in the 1960's, where there was heroin, marijuana, etc. but today's drugs are so much stronger and more addictive. Today's teenagers are under more stress and live lives that no child should lead. what is crystal methamphetamine One in four teenagers will tell you how easy it is to get any illegal drug you want, if you have the money to pay for it. That is frightening as well as a big problem in schools and on the streets.

Ecstasy is one of the most popular drugs used by teenagers or MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine). Kids call this the 'club drug' because it is found at all night parties and is passed around like candy. It makes one feel like everyone else are angels coming from heaven just for them and they are your friends for life. This is usually not the case. This drug is man made, not from any natures plants, it has caffeine, amphetamines, PCP and cocaine. These come in tablet form or capsules and many will swallow them with boozed, a lethal combination. Some slang words are Adam, hug, beans, lover's speed or love drug. Fortunately the usage is going down, slowly but it is going down.

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Marijuana has been around since dirt started so it is not a new drug, just a popular one and some say a useful one. In many countries the use of marijuana is legal, and there are a couple states that have legalized it for health reasons. But in general it is still illegal and is widely used among kids from the ages of 10 through old age. Marijuana is from the flowers, seeds, stems and leaves of the cannabis sativa plant, although that doesn't like it will harm you but it will, eventually. It is easy to get, it is even sold in grade schools as well as high schools. Some of the common names might be reefer (60's) skunk, boom, gangster, kif and of course weed.

Some will say that methamphetamine or meth for short is the worse of all the popular drugs used by teenagers and maybe they are right. crystal meth espana online Meth can be made from battery acid, drain cleaner, fuel and antifreeze and some people are hooked the first time they try it. They will then go and steal, beg and even kill for their next fix. It can and will ruin a life, and make that person taking it look forty years older than they really are.