With the amount of research being done on breast cancer and other types of cancer, a lot is being learned about how to prevent, treat, and fight it. Vat calculator It is usually too difficult to determine the specific causes of individual breast cancer in individual women and men, but large studies can find trends and identify risk factors. So if you have certain risk factors in your lifestyle, you increase your chances of getting cancer and successfully beating cancer.

1. Quit smoking and your wallet will heavier, your lungs lighter and your consciousness lighter knowing you are taking away the biggest cancer risk factor. Quitting smoking will also massively increase your sex appeal because you'll smell, taste and look a thousand times better. The chemicals you inhale with smoke decrease the effectiveness of your immune system, making it harder for your body to be healthy and strong.

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2. Maintain your weight within a healthy body mass index range for your height. Carrying extra weight makes the body work harder and benefits less, and increases your breast cancer risk factors on a sliding scale.

3. Exercise at least 1.5 to 4 hours a week to keep your mind and body healthy. Regular exercise really builds your health resilience factors, giving your body a greater fighting chance to heal faster and fight the good fight with a healthy immune system.

4. Change your alcohol intake to a maximum of two servings a day, less is better. This still fits the tradition that a single glass of red wine is good for the heart, but you can see the direct results of moderation and still enjoy a good glass or two of wine.

5. Antioxidants fight the good fight and a diet high in antioxidants keeps your immune system strong and resilient. Most fresh fruits and vegetables are packed with antioxidants, but you can get vitamin supplements. Drinking a glass of vegetable and fruit juice every day can be a really quick and easy way to get your daily dose.

6. Stress depletes your body's reserves, weakens your immune system, depletes antioxidants, makes you tired and prone to illness. By reducing your stress, you not only reduce your breast cancer risk factors, but many others as well.

So find ways to manage your stress levels, such as: B. Exercise, improving emotional intelligence skills, meditation or, if possible, changing the lifestyle that is causing the stress.

7. Finding peace in our daily lives can be really hard at times, but research shows that just 10 minutes of rest a day can do wonders for our overall health. Mediation can be a great way to get rid of those internal to-do lists that are rattling around inside to make room for calm and peace.

You can engage in structured mediation, take time out to sit still and watch the world go by, go to a yoga class; Anything that gives you calm and slows things down for a while gives your internal systems, like your immune and nervous systems, a slower time to work. This will also improve restful sleep and let you work at a more efficient level when you need to.